Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Around the corner

I can't believe it. Lately I have extra time in the evenings because I finally have both the kids on a decent sleep schedule. It is hard work but man is it worth it in the end!

You may have noticed some new tunes on my blog. Last week the weather was so mellow and the evenings were actually chilly. So I got the itch. I felt the urge to go to Caribou to get a Hot Apple Blast or a Pumpkin Spice latte from Starbucks. I love the change of seasons especially Summer to Fall.
School is in. Spiral notebooks, three ring binders, textbooks, "bouquets of pencils," the squeak of new sneakers on shiny floors and chalk on blackboards-they all whisper "Psst, fall is coming."
Apple picking will be starting. Our grapes are almost ripe. I want to put on a cozy sweater and some worn in jeans and hold my coffee cup with both hands just under my nose so the steam fogs up my glasses. I know it will be some time yet before that happens but when it does I will not be disappointed. I will not be sad that Summer is gone and now Winter is coming.
Autumn is coming! I know too many pessimists who only see the Winter that looms burly and dark behind Autumn's backside. I think because it is the time of year when everything is put to bed. Earth's bedtime, I guess. The days get shorter and it seems like it is always dark. So, to some, it feels like the end. It is the wrapping up of a year. But it's not all death and goodbyes. It is just goodnight. "See you in the morning."
Let us not forget cider, pumpkins, knitted scarves with denim jackets, JEANS, football, fallen leaves, backpacks, sneakers, Halloween, Thanksgiving, long walks crunching leaves and the list goes on and on. I know we will miss lemonade, strawberries, swimsuits, shorts, baseball, thunderstorms, picnic baskets, flipflops, the Fourth of July, Labor Day and long walks in the sand, but they will be back again. Next year. We are only saying "see ya later" not "good bye."

I wish you could be here with me. This is my favorite time of year and we have so much going on. I am overflowing with anticipation. My fingers are always moving. You are welcome to come and have a cup of coffee with me in my cafe here at home. We can talk about Fall. We can talk about babies, whatever. We can just look out the window and wait for our friend Autumn to knock on the front door. Sigh. Doesn't that sound nice?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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