Friday, April 15, 2011

It's picture time!

Our new garden beds!

Vampire, ampire, ampire!

A moment of honesty, folks! No makeup, apron tied, unkempt. But isn't Amelia a sight for sore eyes!

Liam and our starter pots.

So much has happened!

I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog to help "find myself" (seems so silly now)! I started blogging as part of a grand scheme to carve time out of each day to rediscover who I am, aside from "momma."

I can't believe how much has changed since then! I have had some success selling vintage on Etsy. I really love it and am thinking about doing something a little more adventurous like a flea market or two. If that works out I might try renting a booth in a shop! I need to do a little more research on that, though.

So one year after I decided I needed (and so does every momma out there) to make time for myself, I have come to the conclusion that everything will be just fine. I am not so lost. I just have to remember that just as much as the kids need me to get down on the floor and play and read books, I need to take time out of the day to do what makes me smile.

I have learned that I am a better, more loving, less stressed-out momma because I do allow myself to be selfish at least once a day. So really, that's not so selfish. The whole family can reap the benefits.

I have learned that I might still get overwhelmed sometimes. There are days when Liam is testing my patience, Amelia is teething, Luke has to work late and the dishes are piled high. Something as simple as washing my hair can actually give me enough of a boost to make it through without freaking out. Sometimes I do lose it and Luke is the bearer of that ugliness. Sorry honey :(.

I have learned that I am not the same person that I was before I had kids. I am stronger, wiser and happier.  I am a work in progress. I am constantly growing and evolving. Aren't we all?

I, I, I! Me, me, me! I guess when one writes a blog about one's search for oneself using "I" a lot should be expected, but to this extent?! Time to reevaluate the ol' blog.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

At the moment...

I am biting my ceuticals. Not because I'm nervous or worried but because that's what I do. I have gotten a lot of flack (is that how to spell flack?) throughout my life. When I was in 4th grade my teacher wrote a note on the top of my spelling test, next to my A+ "maybe your snacks help :)."
Sure it was weird for him to point it out but it was a "lightbulb" moment for me. People notice. I must look ravenous when I'm actually in the zone. Biting, chewing, twisting my hands to get the best possible position for optimal skin removal, chewing some more. I should be in a side show. I am more aware of it now when I am in public. Mostly.
Last weekend someone asked me if I was hungry! I have to say he was an excellent host and showed the utmost concern for my wellbeing. I laughed. It was pretty funny.
My hands became very dry from all of the unpacking I was doing a few weeks ago. Of course, I had to promptly remove (and when I say "remove" what I really mean is devour) anything that might snag and cause me harm. It snowballed from there. I am currently nursing (but still nibbling a little) some significant damage.
I informed him of this dilemma but he did not appear to be convinced. Oh well. What am I going to? Go around explaining my idiosyncrasies to anyone who will listen? I don't have time for that. I have a lot of them. I always think about how ridiculous it must look in order for someone to comment on it. Then I have to crack up.
I know there are others like me. I once worked with a girl (if you know Tracy Tlumpka tell her I've been trying to find her on Facebook with no success!) who also chewed her fingers into bloody stubs. We actually bonded over this common pastime of ours.
My son bites his nails, which I also do somewhat. I mostly quit but it seems like I always have one nail that I reserve for tense moments. Nail biting, for me, is something I do when I am watching a really intense movie or maybe preparing for a job interview.
Not so with finger chewing. That is constant regardless of my mood. The only thing that stops me is dirty hands... I wash my hands a lot. Hmmm, that's probably why my skin is usually dry, which causes the irresistible little burrs to break away and taunt me. It's a swirling vortex of skin and teeth and torture and satisfaction.
Anyway, that's what I'm up to at the moment. How 'bout you?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Busy, busy

Sorry it's been so long. We've been pretty busy. Things are slowing down and we are getting settled into our new home. WE LOVE IT! The kids are so happy! Liam has told me more than once "Me wuv my new house momma." Pictures coming soon!
It is actually slightly bigger than our old house but there are fewer rooms so I have had to make some things work. We used to have a breakfast nook (I called it our cafe) and a dining room. Now we have an "eat-in kitchen." Our cafe table is now in the basement for playing games and doing kids projects. We no longer have a four seasons room so I have to sell my beloved vintage couch :(.
There are other things too, that we just don't need or have a place for. You know what that means...GARAGE SALE! Ugh, I am just so worn out. I thought about selling the big stuff on Craigslist and giving the toys and other small things away but Craigslist is a lot of work too...We can hardly walk through the garage so something has to happen. We shall see.
I am working on getting my etsy shop items ready to list and organizing my new etsy room so that I can take some pictures. I am hoping to have my shop open by the middle of the month. I can't wait!

Liam is getting really creative and has a fantastic imagination. I love to watch him pretend with his toys. He also seems to really enjoy Amelia lately. He always wants her to come play with him and since he's pretty good about sharing, she seems to like playing with him too. They also fight. Liam gets mad and makes her cry and then she gets mad and runs away. Then he begs her to come back and play. It's exhausting.
Amelia is saying a few new things. She been saying momma and dada, but now she says hi, bye and all-done. She can point to different features on her face, her belly button, feet, etc. She also points out different animals in books.
We've had some tough moments in the last couple of months but things are getting back to normal and the kids are doing really well. Luke and I are feeling more relaxed and we are meeting some great people.
Lovin' Iowa!