Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Things are getting more and more interesting every day. Luke got the job in Iowa so we will definitely be moving there and we are very excited! I am ready for something new and challenging. I need a change of scenery.
We are hoping that all goes well with the sale of our house and purchasing a new one. I'm not going to lie - I'm a little nervous. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in order to get our house ready to be put on the market. Things we have been putting off since we moved in.
We do plan on having a moving sale, maybe in two weeks. We'll see if I can get everything priced by then! I just sold a bunch of stuff this last Spring at my sisters garage sale so I feel like my joints are oiled up and ready to go.
I am also considering having an area of the moving sale for some of my etsy inventory. I have a lot of stuff that has never been listed due to a lack of time. I don't know. People come to moving sales for a good deal $.50 here and $.25 there, maybe a dollar or two. They don't expect to pay etsy prices for vintage but I don't want to give it all away for free!
Luke's job pays for movers to come and pack our stuff and haul it to our destination, but they only pay for so many pounds. We won't know how many pounds of stuff we have until after the fact so...we don't want to pay to move my shop items if we don't have to.

On another note, Liam is potty trained! It didn't take long. I tried my hardest to stay consistent and gave him big hugs and kisses every time he used the potty (I also bribed him with anything I could to get him to try when he didn't think he needed to go). He spent a couple of days with no undies or diapers until he got the hang of going all the way to the bathroom whenever he had to go. Then I put him in undies with the rubber undies over them. After he got the hang of having to pull down his undies every time, I got rid of the rubber undies except for car rides and bedtime. Now he doesn't need the rubber undies at all and only has an accident every couple of days. We are so proud of him!
Amelia is crawling and pulling herself up on furniture, window sills, the dishwasher (while closed), toys and anything else she can. She is taking steps while hanging on and can stand for 3 seconds without falling. She is getting so close to standing and walking! I can't believe how big she's getting. She turns a year old in October already!


AmieeAya said...

oh man, i'm so excited for you guys! lots of work but exciting too. congrats to luke, and good luck with the move. And don't let people walk off with your etsy stuff, it's your heart and soul! maybe take a picture of it all together and let us scan the whole lot and make offers on it! ha!

as for liam and amelia, what a couple of cute kids you have. i've gotten nervous because everyone around me seems to be potty training their kids so we are working on it but it is super slow going. i just don't think owen cares that much. he'll go like four times in a row and get four stickers and then pee his pants like two minutes later. on the flip side, i think a two year old in underpants is the cutest thing in the whole world, so i think we'll probably see it through sooner or later. miss you girl, wish i could help you pack up and head out. i will visit you in iowa!

Sarah said...

So potty training has taken a turn, Amiee. Now Liam gets weird about things when Luke comes home or we go to see him. I have a feeling he is acting out a little bit because he misses his daddy. So we've had some ruff weekends.