Monday, April 26, 2010

Story time!

A chapter or two before bed with or without the kids. The best time of day. On Saturday I bought 'The Little House on the Prairie' by Laura Ingalls Wilder at a garage sale. Since I grew up about an hour or so from Walnut Grove, I have wanted to read the Little House series, but never got around to it.
We had it when I was a kid and my sister read all of them, but I wasn't interested back then. We loved the show but I knew that the show was very different from the true story and I guess I liked Michael Landon's version the way it was.
I started thinking about the books again recently and always look to see if I can find the whole series at a thrift store. I suppose I'll have to settle for one at a time.
I have been snatching up vintage books a lot lately. I'm looking forward to reading a chapter a night to the kids and waiting until bedtime to find out what happens next. Maybe I'm just looking forward to bedtime being a little easier every night!


Mickey J said...

Love those Laura books...

Sarah said...

great Summer reads!