Friday, April 23, 2010


I am struggling, a bit, with my new crusade to carve out time every day for myself. I have a length of time each day when Liam and Amelia are napping at the same time (sometimes 30 mins., sometimes 2 hours, I never know which it's going to be). During that time I try to take care of some Etsy business. That means doing research on the new things I got, taking pictures, taking measurements and cleaning everything up, listing items and writing descriptions, updating my P&L (yes, I have a P&L for my Etsy shop. What?) updating my fan page on Facebook, and packaging any items that have sold.
Needless to say, I don't usually get all of this done during nap time. I find myself working on these things any time I can sneak away. Our computer is located right next to our living room so I can work while Liam is watching cartoons. That is where I struggle. I am letting Elmo and Tiny, Shiny, and Don babysit Liam and he is very aware of it.
When Liam was in daycare I always felt like he didn't get enough stimulation. When I would go to pick him up he would be in a play pen watching cartoons. Now look! I am doing the same thing! My goal for the month of May is to find a proper balance with my new found activities and the most important job of my life.

Any advice?

1 comment:

AmieeAya said...

Owen is watching Elmo right now while I have some mommy time! I tried to enjoy the nice weather and do something outside with Owen every day. So needless to say, not much creativity going on this week. Today we are staying in for most of the day. I'm going to let Owen do whatever he wants, within reason. He asked to watch Elmo so I'm letting him. And he's in turn letting me do whatever I want. So I'm scrapbooking. I even planned dinner out so I don't have to worry about that today either.

All that to say, don't feel bad! Liam gets the best of you almost all the time, right? More time than he was when you were working and then juggling the leftover time with him and dinner making and cleaning and time with Luke and time for yourself. I think when you're a stay at home mom you have to have moments when you're selfish. Otherwise you resent your kids for taking your freedom and self worth away from you. Plus, right now Owen is counting to the television. It's a great educational tool! Don't know if it's right but there's my advice :)

And you're showing your kids that you can handle a business while being a young mom, which is completely awesome. What an example!