Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What to eat? Wednesday

My husband, Luke, and both of my kids are sick. I have been chasing a little green booger monster around the last couple of days and I'm spent. Or maybe I'm lazy and looking for an excuse not too cook. Either way we ordered pizza for supper and I'm not going to lie. It was delicious.
Greasy, cheesy, goodness on a crispy, buttery crust. Green and black olives, onions and mushrooms, I thank you. I don't feel badly for not slaving in the kitchen in order to make my dear family a nutritious meal. Why should I?
I also cheated when I made Amelia's baby food. The gasp that just escaped your lips is not going to stop me from sharing with you the easiest, quickest, sneakiest way to make baby food for your little puckle pastry.
I bake sweet potatoes in the oven along with acorn squash. I steam fresh organic green beans and peas. I simmer peas and carrots on the stove. However, that all takes time and preparation that we busy mommies don't always have.
There are already precooked, ready to puree veggies out there waiting to make your life easier. Yes, yes you could just buy the jars of baby food but where's the fun in that? Plus, it's so much more expensive! I am talking about canned veggies.
Just grab a variety of canned vegetables with "no salt added" on the label. Toss them in the blender or food processor and puree to your hearts content. Add a little of the juice to make sure it is the right consistency for your baby, then poor the finished product into ice cube trays. One can makes approximately 2/3 of a tray.
Place in the freezer and once frozen through, toss the cubes of baby food into an appropriately labeled container or baggie. Done. The next time Amelia needs to eat I'll just grab a cube or two (she's 7 1/2 months old) and pop them in the microwave for 22 seconds (ovens may very).

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