I am biting my ceuticals. Not because I'm nervous or worried but because that's what I do. I have gotten a lot of flack (is that how to spell flack?) throughout my life. When I was in 4th grade my teacher wrote a note on the top of my spelling test, next to my A+ "maybe your snacks help :)."
Sure it was weird for him to point it out but it was a "lightbulb" moment for me. People notice. I must look ravenous when I'm actually in the zone. Biting, chewing, twisting my hands to get the best possible position for optimal skin removal, chewing some more. I should be in a side show. I am more aware of it now when I am in public. Mostly.
Last weekend someone asked me if I was hungry! I have to say he was an excellent host and showed the utmost concern for my wellbeing. I laughed. It was pretty funny.
My hands became very dry from all of the unpacking I was doing a few weeks ago. Of course, I had to promptly remove (and when I say "remove" what I really mean is devour) anything that might snag and cause me harm. It snowballed from there. I am currently nursing (but still nibbling a little) some significant damage.
I informed him of this dilemma but he did not appear to be convinced. Oh well. What am I going to? Go around explaining my idiosyncrasies to anyone who will listen? I don't have time for that. I have a lot of them. I always think about how ridiculous it must look in order for someone to comment on it. Then I have to crack up.
I know there are others like me. I once worked with a girl (if you know Tracy Tlumpka tell her I've been trying to find her on Facebook with no success!) who also chewed her fingers into bloody stubs. We actually bonded over this common pastime of ours.
My son bites his nails, which I also do somewhat. I mostly quit but it seems like I always have one nail that I reserve for tense moments. Nail biting, for me, is something I do when I am watching a really intense movie or maybe preparing for a job interview.
Not so with finger chewing. That is constant regardless of my mood. The only thing that stops me is dirty hands... I wash my hands a lot. Hmmm, that's probably why my skin is usually dry, which causes the irresistible little burrs to break away and taunt me. It's a swirling vortex of skin and teeth and torture and satisfaction.
Anyway, that's what I'm up to at the moment. How 'bout you?
oh how i miss you!!
p.s. have you checked out pinterest? think you would love it! pinterest.com
Miss you too Amiee! I am going to check out that site riiiiiight NOW!
I have been doing really good the past couple of weeks. I have been painting my nails dark and if I chew the skin, my teeth rub on the dark polish, therefore I get dark marks on my teeth. So every time I start to chew I think about it and stop. Also, when I use the acetone to remove the polish it leaves a bitter taste, which stops me... at least until I suck away the bitterness. :)
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