Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I hope all you mommies had a great day yesterday. If you're anything like me you don't need much to feel appreciated. A great cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll for breakfast. Big smiles and hugs and kisses. A quiet lunch out to a secret spot...cue the screeching record.
We decided to go to a little place in town where they make this simple but delicious sandwich. They pile warm pastrami high on multigrain bread with a little mayo and call it lunch! My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. They also use eco friendly products like forks and spoons made from vegetable fibers and biodegradable straws so that adds extra incentive to patronize their fine establishment.
We ordered our food at the counter and I used up all my tricks just trying to get Liam to stay with us. He finally took off for the fireplace and immediately flipped the switch to turn it on and started jumping on their leather love seat that sits in front of it.
When I tried to get him to come over to our table he started shouting and kicking and making a scene. Ugh! I just didn't have any fight left in me. I asked him if he was hungry or if he wanted to go home. He just started running and I grabbed him and got down on the floor in his face and said if he didn't stop it right then we were going out to the car.
Apparently he really wanted to go to the car because he tried to pull my hand off his arm and run at the same time saying "NO NO NO WAY!". I picked him up and told Luke we'd be in the car and we weren't coming back in. Liam cried the whole way out. There were a few ladies in there who tried to act like they didn't notice but how could they not!?
I put him in his car seat and told him how disappointed I was that we couldn't have a nice meal in a restaurant anymore because he can't behave. He shook his head. He screamed, that silent scream that comes before the blood curdling one, and then let out the most dramatic howl. His face turned red, spit hung in strings from his top teeth to the bottom ones and he tried with all his might to keep me from buckling his car seat.
I slammed the door (ok so I lost my cool a little too, but at least I took it out on the car!) and went around to the other side and got in the front seat. I crossed my arms and just listened to his nonsense for a couple of minutes until he calmed down.
Luke brought Amelia out while they packed up our food and Liam begged to be rescued. After getting our food Luke got in and we took off for home. We actually had a very nice meal when we got back. Liam apologized for his behavior (not in so many words) and he ate most of his lunch. He was told he was going to bed immediately afterwards and he insisted on daddy putting him to bed. He slept like an angel and the rest of the day was relaxing and peaceful.
I love my little monkey and I know one day I will look back on this time and remember how he was naughty sometimes but it won't seem as bad. His cooky antics, chocolate milk mustaches, the hair in his eyes and the way he giggles when he gets tickled are the things I will remember most. It won't be long and I will long for these days so I will treasure them even if he makes a scene in public. At least he said he was sorry, right?


AmieeAya said...

Wow, this pretty much mirrors my Mother's Day experience with Owen! I don't know if we should get these kids together...!!! But they are so sweet too, aren't they, when they look up at you like that and grin that mischievous grin and say mommy, mommy! I think I love him more because he's naughty. Anyway you're not alone! and I love reading your post and feeling more normal :)

AmieeAya said...

also we have the exact same taste in music... our lives are kind of creepily the same... i guess now all i have to do is have another baby and name her amelia, which i have been planning all along...

Sarah said...

It is weird how similar things are especially since we live so far apart. You should have a little girl and name her Amelia. It's a great name. We were thinking of calling her Mila for short but it hasn't happened yet...there's always Amy :).