After having children I really started paying attention to labels and what kinds of crazy chemicals are in everyday products they could come in contact with. I'm not worried about them getting under the sink and drinking a gallon of drain cleaner. We keep our cleaners locked away. I'm more concerned with the cleaners we use on our floors and the detergent we use on our clothes and dishes.
I think most of us are looking for ways to be safer and also to be more environmentally friendly. These cleaners were created in order to make our lives easier but at what cost? Ok, I'm not climbing onto my soapbox to start preaching. I just thought I would share a couple of cheap, easy, natural cleaners that I use and you probably have the ingredients already in your house. In return maybe you can share some of your own recipes for floors, laundry, dishwasher, etc.
Glass cleaner: For a really actual streak free, (not just says it is and then really isn't) glass cleaner find an empty spray bottle. Mix in 2 tbs of white vinegar, 1/2 tbs cornstarch and fill it up with warm water. Shake it up and get ready to see what you really look like in the mirror! Use crumpled up newspapers for a lint free and re-user friendly wiper-uper.
Carpet stain remover: Mix a paste of 1/2 cup borax, 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 tbs salt. Spread the mixture onto the carpet stain and let it dry, preferably overnight. Then just vacuum it up. I used this when my son pooped on our very light colored carpet and the stain is gone!
Deodorizer for wooden cutting board: I use the juice from one lemon and create a paste directly on the cutting board with baking soda. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes and then wipe it clean with a washcloth.
Deodorizer for thrift store leather (purses, wallets, bags, etc.): Place the item in a plastic bag that you can either tie shut or has a zip lock opening. Carefully place a bowl with a cup of baking soda in the bag with the stinky item and seal it up. After a day or so take a sniff and if the item still has that offensive odor, exchange the baking soda with some fresh stuff and tie it up again.
I am always looking for more recipes. Please share! I use Melaleuca laundry detergent but I would like to find another option.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Story time!
A chapter or two before bed with or without the kids. The best time of day. On Saturday I bought 'The Little House on the Prairie' by Laura Ingalls Wilder at a garage sale. Since I grew up about an hour or so from Walnut Grove, I have wanted to read the Little House series, but never got around to it.
We had it when I was a kid and my sister read all of them, but I wasn't interested back then. We loved the show but I knew that the show was very different from the true story and I guess I liked Michael Landon's version the way it was.
I started thinking about the books again recently and always look to see if I can find the whole series at a thrift store. I suppose I'll have to settle for one at a time.
I have been snatching up vintage books a lot lately. I'm looking forward to reading a chapter a night to the kids and waiting until bedtime to find out what happens next. Maybe I'm just looking forward to bedtime being a little easier every night!
We had it when I was a kid and my sister read all of them, but I wasn't interested back then. We loved the show but I knew that the show was very different from the true story and I guess I liked Michael Landon's version the way it was.
I started thinking about the books again recently and always look to see if I can find the whole series at a thrift store. I suppose I'll have to settle for one at a time.
I have been snatching up vintage books a lot lately. I'm looking forward to reading a chapter a night to the kids and waiting until bedtime to find out what happens next. Maybe I'm just looking forward to bedtime being a little easier every night!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
I am struggling, a bit, with my new crusade to carve out time every day for myself. I have a length of time each day when Liam and Amelia are napping at the same time (sometimes 30 mins., sometimes 2 hours, I never know which it's going to be). During that time I try to take care of some Etsy business. That means doing research on the new things I got, taking pictures, taking measurements and cleaning everything up, listing items and writing descriptions, updating my P&L (yes, I have a P&L for my Etsy shop. What?) updating my fan page on Facebook, and packaging any items that have sold.
Needless to say, I don't usually get all of this done during nap time. I find myself working on these things any time I can sneak away. Our computer is located right next to our living room so I can work while Liam is watching cartoons. That is where I struggle. I am letting Elmo and Tiny, Shiny, and Don babysit Liam and he is very aware of it.
When Liam was in daycare I always felt like he didn't get enough stimulation. When I would go to pick him up he would be in a play pen watching cartoons. Now look! I am doing the same thing! My goal for the month of May is to find a proper balance with my new found activities and the most important job of my life.
Any advice?
Needless to say, I don't usually get all of this done during nap time. I find myself working on these things any time I can sneak away. Our computer is located right next to our living room so I can work while Liam is watching cartoons. That is where I struggle. I am letting Elmo and Tiny, Shiny, and Don babysit Liam and he is very aware of it.
When Liam was in daycare I always felt like he didn't get enough stimulation. When I would go to pick him up he would be in a play pen watching cartoons. Now look! I am doing the same thing! My goal for the month of May is to find a proper balance with my new found activities and the most important job of my life.
Any advice?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
More goodies!
Etsy love
I am, admittedly, obsessed with Etsy. I first heard about Etsy from an article in Country Living Magazine. I have subscribed to Country Living since I was 19- love! I look forward to it every month and every month it feels like 2 months before it shows up in my mail box because I have the patience of a 2 year old.
After seeing items listed there and in Martha Stewart Living I got wise to the fact that this wasn't just another website. I finally checked it out and was immediately smitten. I told everyone who would listen and started spending my kids's nap time on Etsy just perusing and falling deeper in love.
I bought my daughter some handmade booties. I got my husband a t-shirt with a boston terrier with wings on it (we had recently lost our boston, Baxter). Then, I got my sister-in-law a custom silhouette for Christmas. I was hooked. I couldn't stop.
My favorites were the vintage shops. I bought a few vintage Fisher Price Little People sets for my son and couldn't believe the deal I got! Every time I would open my newly delivered packages I would find a handwritten card with a message just for me! Sometimes I would get a little gifty of some sort and I would show everyone, "Look! Who does that! Amazing!"
These were my people. They saw through to the core of me and knew my deepest vintage desires. I felt like I finally found it- the thing I would do if I had a million dollars and didn't have to work.
Once I started selling on Etsy I realized that it wasn't just customer service that prompted these people to be so gracious. Buyers, too, were blowing my mind with nice.
My first patron was patient and very understanding while I worked out the kinks in my pay pal account (I didn't have it verified yet and it would not allow me to accept payments yet). Then, when I shipped her package I discovered what shipping really costs and chalked it up to a lesson learned (I would only be making a dollar on her purchase of a set of berry bowls and a creamer). She sent me a message that she had deposited the extra shipping cost into my pay pal account and said, "I just wanted your first sale to be a positive experience all around."
I was shocked and my eyes welled up with tears. I woke my husband up to tell him. She really did make my first sale a positive one and this whole Etsy experience has been wonderful. I have since dealt with very friendly, supportive people and am so happy I decided to join this community.
Just thought I'd share with you the proof that nice is still alive. That there are people out there that don't use nasty to get ahead or to get what they want. Being happy with what you do and feeling fulfilled by it are more important than making a lot of money, but you can have it all if you remember that.
After seeing items listed there and in Martha Stewart Living I got wise to the fact that this wasn't just another website. I finally checked it out and was immediately smitten. I told everyone who would listen and started spending my kids's nap time on Etsy just perusing and falling deeper in love.
I bought my daughter some handmade booties. I got my husband a t-shirt with a boston terrier with wings on it (we had recently lost our boston, Baxter). Then, I got my sister-in-law a custom silhouette for Christmas. I was hooked. I couldn't stop.
My favorites were the vintage shops. I bought a few vintage Fisher Price Little People sets for my son and couldn't believe the deal I got! Every time I would open my newly delivered packages I would find a handwritten card with a message just for me! Sometimes I would get a little gifty of some sort and I would show everyone, "Look! Who does that! Amazing!"
These were my people. They saw through to the core of me and knew my deepest vintage desires. I felt like I finally found it- the thing I would do if I had a million dollars and didn't have to work.
Once I started selling on Etsy I realized that it wasn't just customer service that prompted these people to be so gracious. Buyers, too, were blowing my mind with nice.
My first patron was patient and very understanding while I worked out the kinks in my pay pal account (I didn't have it verified yet and it would not allow me to accept payments yet). Then, when I shipped her package I discovered what shipping really costs and chalked it up to a lesson learned (I would only be making a dollar on her purchase of a set of berry bowls and a creamer). She sent me a message that she had deposited the extra shipping cost into my pay pal account and said, "I just wanted your first sale to be a positive experience all around."
I was shocked and my eyes welled up with tears. I woke my husband up to tell him. She really did make my first sale a positive one and this whole Etsy experience has been wonderful. I have since dealt with very friendly, supportive people and am so happy I decided to join this community.
Just thought I'd share with you the proof that nice is still alive. That there are people out there that don't use nasty to get ahead or to get what they want. Being happy with what you do and feeling fulfilled by it are more important than making a lot of money, but you can have it all if you remember that.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I went to a few thrift stores the other day, my obsession as you well know. I found tons of stuff. I am hanging on to a few things like some games for the kids (don't break the ice, ants in the pants). I found a cute canister that looks super fab in my work room. Mostly, though I found things to sell in my shop. It is a beautiful day today but I have so much to do and I really want to list this new stuff. Both the kids are napping so I am taking advantage of some quiet time.

magazine rack or torture device- you decide.
lovely faux bois book ends
aluminum cake take-love it!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My new sneaks

I love, love, love my new sneaks! They are made by Simple and they are called Eco Sneaks. They use natural rubber, recycled tires, bamboo, organic cotton, water based glue, recycled inner tubes, hemp, and silk to make them. Everything is either sustainable or recycled. I have to say they are very comfy. I have a pair of Chuck Taylors too but they are so narrow I can't wear them for extended periods of time. I am so excited about these I just had to share! They even make kids shoes!
Monday, April 12, 2010
I decided this year I would plant a garden with all heirloom seeds. I have herbs in planters every year and I usually have a small salsa garden in a raised container but I have never undertaken something like this. A week ago I planted my tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and cabbage and put them on a shelf by a window. I am very excited to have seedlings of everything except the peppers and the celery.
Everything else I will plant after we are safe from frost. I'm going to force my husband and son to help me whether they like it or not. My hope is my son will learn to appreciate where his food comes from and not be addicted to junk food by the time he's in kindergarten! We shall see.
Everything else I will plant after we are safe from frost. I'm going to force my husband and son to help me whether they like it or not. My hope is my son will learn to appreciate where his food comes from and not be addicted to junk food by the time he's in kindergarten! We shall see.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
This lovely zero fan, that I recently purchased and didn't even have time to get to know, sold in my Etsy shop today. Some lucky person will now get to enjoy his strong breeze and gentle whirring. Time for me to say "good bye".
Who I am now
I am a 29 year old stay at home mom. I married my husband, Luke almost 3 years ago in a small ceremony in Akumal, Mexico. We welcomed our son, Liam in November 2007. He is a happy, rambunctious little monkey and I love him to pieces.
After 8 weeks of staying home with my then colicky bundle of tears, I returned to work as a receptionist at a plastic surgeon's office. It was 100% the right decision for us at that time and even though it was hard I knew I was doing the right thing. There were good days and bad days. There were times I wanted to pull him out of daycare because I felt he was picking up bad habits and not getting enough attention, but we made it over those humps. After his first birthday I decided I wanted to try for another baby and convinced my husband that having them close together was the best way to raise children.
What did I know?! My parents had 5 kids in 7 years and we were very close growing up and are very close now. I guess I didn't really consider how hard it would be with a little boy going through his terrible twos and an infant. It is the HARDEST thing I have ever experienced. Since I was 27 when we had Liam I felt like we better hurry up and get the show on the road so we wouldn't be the "old parents". Now I realize that's not at all how it will be. Since my mom had her 5th child by the time she was 27, I always felt like I was behind.
Amelia was born in October of 2009 and she has been a breeze compared to Liam as an infant! She is happy and thriving and loves her big brother. Liam mostly ignores her but always gives her her soothie when she spits it out and gives her kisses before bed. He has never shown any jealousy towards her and rarely wants to be on my lap when she is. He isn't much for sitting on laps. He isn't much for sitting, period. He stands while watching Sesame Street. He is always on the go and understands that when I am nursing Amelia he can take off and get into mischief.
I decided not to go back to work while I was still pregnant. I felt like I missed out on a lot of Liam's babyhood and he was getting to a point where he needed more one on one attention so it was the obvious choice for me. I am blessed with the ability to choose whether or not to go back to work and I figured I would regret it if I didn't at least try it.
This winter was hard. I felt like I lost myself. I spent day in and day out cooped up in the house. Amelia was too small to be out in the cold so Liam could play and to be honest, I didn't have the energy to bundle Liam up and pull him through the foot and a half of snow in our backyard. It took a while to get Amelia on a regular sleep schedule so I was with her from the time we got up in the morning (usually Liam would wake us up around 7am) until we both went to bed (around 11pm).
I realized in January that I had 3 choices. Either get a job, go back to school, or find a way to make time for myself. I chose option 3. Luke is very supportive of me cutting out time for myself and even got me a gift certificate to a spa in town just so I could get out of the house. I started going to bed early to read while he took care of Amelia. I joined a group of women that gets together once a month to discuss issues affecting women today. Most recently, I started an Etsy shop selling vintage dishes, clothes etc. and Luke has been very helpful and supportive.
My Etsy shop is a way for me to do what I love while still being home with the kids. I always wanted to open an actual shop with a door but Luke's job requires us to move every seven years so I don't know how I would ever have a real store. Etsy is the next best thing. My shop is called RR 1 Box 80 and if you have ever lived at a rr box you know to say "rural route" and not "rr". It was my address growing up and it is where I became me.
Since I have been searching for myself after being set aside for a while that name seemed appropriate. I am on an exciting journey discovering who I am now.
After 8 weeks of staying home with my then colicky bundle of tears, I returned to work as a receptionist at a plastic surgeon's office. It was 100% the right decision for us at that time and even though it was hard I knew I was doing the right thing. There were good days and bad days. There were times I wanted to pull him out of daycare because I felt he was picking up bad habits and not getting enough attention, but we made it over those humps. After his first birthday I decided I wanted to try for another baby and convinced my husband that having them close together was the best way to raise children.
What did I know?! My parents had 5 kids in 7 years and we were very close growing up and are very close now. I guess I didn't really consider how hard it would be with a little boy going through his terrible twos and an infant. It is the HARDEST thing I have ever experienced. Since I was 27 when we had Liam I felt like we better hurry up and get the show on the road so we wouldn't be the "old parents". Now I realize that's not at all how it will be. Since my mom had her 5th child by the time she was 27, I always felt like I was behind.
Amelia was born in October of 2009 and she has been a breeze compared to Liam as an infant! She is happy and thriving and loves her big brother. Liam mostly ignores her but always gives her her soothie when she spits it out and gives her kisses before bed. He has never shown any jealousy towards her and rarely wants to be on my lap when she is. He isn't much for sitting on laps. He isn't much for sitting, period. He stands while watching Sesame Street. He is always on the go and understands that when I am nursing Amelia he can take off and get into mischief.
I decided not to go back to work while I was still pregnant. I felt like I missed out on a lot of Liam's babyhood and he was getting to a point where he needed more one on one attention so it was the obvious choice for me. I am blessed with the ability to choose whether or not to go back to work and I figured I would regret it if I didn't at least try it.
This winter was hard. I felt like I lost myself. I spent day in and day out cooped up in the house. Amelia was too small to be out in the cold so Liam could play and to be honest, I didn't have the energy to bundle Liam up and pull him through the foot and a half of snow in our backyard. It took a while to get Amelia on a regular sleep schedule so I was with her from the time we got up in the morning (usually Liam would wake us up around 7am) until we both went to bed (around 11pm).
I realized in January that I had 3 choices. Either get a job, go back to school, or find a way to make time for myself. I chose option 3. Luke is very supportive of me cutting out time for myself and even got me a gift certificate to a spa in town just so I could get out of the house. I started going to bed early to read while he took care of Amelia. I joined a group of women that gets together once a month to discuss issues affecting women today. Most recently, I started an Etsy shop selling vintage dishes, clothes etc. and Luke has been very helpful and supportive.
My Etsy shop is a way for me to do what I love while still being home with the kids. I always wanted to open an actual shop with a door but Luke's job requires us to move every seven years so I don't know how I would ever have a real store. Etsy is the next best thing. My shop is called RR 1 Box 80 and if you have ever lived at a rr box you know to say "rural route" and not "rr". It was my address growing up and it is where I became me.
Since I have been searching for myself after being set aside for a while that name seemed appropriate. I am on an exciting journey discovering who I am now.
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